If you are not already getting out, exercising and swinging, then you need to start now and slowly. Below are a list of the Yalich Clinic’s top 10 Safe Golfing Tips. In conjunction with what you are already doing right, you should have a great and healthy golf season.
Yalich Clinic’s Top Ten Safe Golfing Tips
1. Spend Wisely: People spend major amounts of money on new clubs, new balls, magazines, videos and more…but they don’t spend enough on themselves. Make sure your body is functioning well before you put it through all the physical demands of golf.
2. Golf is Safe: It is everything else we do while golfing and throughout the day accumulates to give us physical limitations. Golf may aggravate your condition but won’t cause it if done right!
3. Learn from a Pro: Your uncle and your best friend may be great golfers, but you need to learn from someone who is a “teacher”. Just knowing how to swing and having the ability to communicate it to someone are very different things.
4. There Should Be No Off Season: If you are a regular golfer, golf should be year-round. Not necessarily on the course each day, but during winter months, get to an indoor range or place you can swing and practice.
5. Area’s of Caution: The following are areas where you may hurt yourself, and not realize it until you’re in pain! · Bending down to pick up a ball. · Placing a tee in the ground. · Grabbing your clubs out of the trunk of your car. · Riding on the golf cart (w/ no shocks).
6. Stay Hydrated! That means water. To spend extended periods on your feet and exerting your body’s energy, you need water. It will help your body function better inside and out. Every time you go to the bathroom, sweat, talk, blink and breathe, you lose water. You can’t replace water with coffee, soda, or alcohol. Some of those will force your body to lose water.
7. Warm Up! The warmer your body is, the better it will function. Park far from the clubhouse and walk before you play. Get the blood flowing with large arm movements while you walk. Warm up should be done before you even put a club in your hand. This alone will help prevent injuries.
8. Flexibility Training Counts! Once your body is warm, it is time to become more flexible. Don’t start this training as you step up to the first tee. You need to do it year-round. The more flexible you are in the right spots, the more efficient you swing will be, the better your body will function, and the more injuries you will prevent.
9. Cool Down! After you have played a round or two, take time to cool down. This means going through some light stretching to help redistribute the blood back to the heart to prevent soreness and cramping. Now that your body is warm after playing, you can make great flexibility gains.
10. Have Fun!!! If you’re not having fun, then why are you doing it? Everyone has their own reasons to golf, and if you are taking the time out of your day to do it, relax. Your mind and body will enjoy the game that much more.
If you do hurt yourself or suffer from pain that keeps you from playing your best, give us a call. Maximize your potential and play at your best!