Personal Training

Yalich Clinic – Personal Training

Dr. Jonathon Dunbar’s Functional and Personal Training Services

Yalich Functional Training Programs

physical-therapy-instructionsYalich Functional Training Programs originated and grew from the popular Yalich Core Performance Class designed and run by Dr. Jonathan Dunbar. After the completion of the class, many participants were “wanting more” and asked “what can I do to take my exercise to the next level?” Due to this popular demand, Dr. Jonathan Dunbar is now available for design and implementation of Functional Training Programs in a one on one, partner, or small group (3-6) setting.

What is Functional Training?

Functional Training is a form of exercise which emphasizes training the body to be better at activities of daily living by mastering fundamental movement patterns and core control. If done efficiently, functional training will simultaneously increase mobility, core stability, coordination, and strength, all while decreasing the likelihood of injury.

Components of the Functional Training Program

Assessment: Any good training program should start with an assessment of the individual wishing to participate. Sadly most large gyms and personal trainers either do not have the knowledge or the time to assess their clients. This leads to training programs and exercises which are too intense and difficult leading to excess soreness, overuse injuries, and decreased gains. By starting with a sound biomechanical, mobility, and stability assessment the right training can be applied from the start to ensure safety and gains throughout training. As world renowned strength coach Eric Cressey says “if you are not assessing, you are guessing.”

Dynamic Warm-up/Mobility Work: Each session of the Functional training program begins with a short and specific dynamic warm-up and mobility routine based on the individual’s assessment. This portion of the training session is of utmost importance, as it prepares the body for exercise, and addresses limitations in movement and flexibility.

Activation exercises: Activation exercises are a series of 2-3 exercises designed to address an individual’s weaknesses or muscular imbalances. Activation exercises are used to enhance stability, and get the proper muscles firing prior to the main portion of training

Functional Training: The Functional Training consists of a variety of fundamental compound movements (pushing, pulling, bending, lifting, lunging, squatting) that are designed to train the whole body during one session. Functional compound exercises simultaneously challenge the body to increase balance and coordination, mobility, endurance, and strength.

Cool Down/Stretching: Each Functional Training session ends with a cool down period and stretching to decrease heart rate, decrease muscular tension, and increase flexibility.





Dr. Jonathan Dunbar


All programs will be designed, implemented, and monitored by Dr. Jonathan Dunbar. Dr. Dunbar holds an additional Master’s Degree in Sports Science and Rehabilitation, and is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He designed and taught the very popular Yalich Clinic Foam Rolling and Yalich Core Performance classes. He has experience rehabilitating and supplying performance training to youth, high school, college, and professional athletes. His personal training philosophy is that good programs should be progressive, and strive for long term development so that fitness and optimal health can be obtained and maintained throughout life.


Training Fees:

Individual Training (60 minute session)
1 session                              6 sessions                              12 sessions
85.00                                    80.00/480.00                     75.00/900.00

Partner Training (60 minutes)
1 session                              6 sessions                              12 sessions
55.00                                    50.00/300.00                      45.00/540.00

Small Group Training (3-6 clients, 60 minutes)
1 session                              6 sessions                              12 sessions
35.00                                    30.00/180.00                       25.00/300.00

*Fees for Partner and Small Group Training are per client.

Chiropractic Care

The important fact to remember is the quicker you address and take care of an injury, the quicker it will resolve. The longer you let things go, the longer the healing process.

Physical Therapy

Every injury is different and treatment plans should be individualized to meet each person's needs. Here at the clinic, we pride ourselves on just that.

New Patients

Your treatment will be individualized to you and your specific needs. It is then explained in detail, allowing you to be fully involved in your own recovery.


Have one of our doctors be your next speaker at your next league or team meeting. They can be designed for coaches,parents, or even involve the kids!