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COMMON CHARACTERISTICS Scoliosis means abnormal curvature of the spine. Some people have an abnormal spinal curvature that is so minor that it is barely noticeable and does not interfere with normal posture and gait. In a small percentage of patients, however, scoliosis is progressive, and can become severe enough to cause deformity and even interfere

Running Injury Prevention Tips

From the Doctors of the Yalich Clinic Performance and Rehab Center in Glen Burnie We have helped with many races and worked with many runners this summer. There is no one reason why runners get injured, but there several factors that play a role in most runner injuries. Factors include muscle weakness, inadequate flexibility, training


Facts You Should Know Should you have chiropractic care during your pregnancy? Yes. Chiropractic care can help you and your baby achieve a healthier pregnancy and delivery. It is gentle and safe. The health benefits have been demonstrated in clinical studies. What is chiropractic adjustment? Vertebrae (the bones in your back) fit together so that the LIFE (nerve supply)

Moist Heat or Ice?

The Eternal Question… A question commonly asked by patients is should I use moist heat or ice? We are hoping to remove the mystery of this with the following information: ICE If the pain is either very strong, throbbing, stabbing or sharp these are indications of either nerve or muscle inflammation. Also used in acute injury.

New Website Launch

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website.