Yalich Clinic – News & Announcements
Yalich Clinic Doctors Team Up With Anne Arundel County To Help Educate
3 times / year the doctors of the Yalich Clinic team up with Anne Arundel County’s Department of Rec and Parks to provide coaching education and awareness to thousands of recreational coaches. Some of the workshop topics include Sports Injury Prevention, Concussion Awareness, and Preventing Heat Related Illness and Dehydration.
For more information, go to: https://www.aacounty.org/services-and-programs/coaches-certification-clinic
If you would like to host a workshop for your coaches, kids or parents, please call Dr. Sok at 410-766-4878.
February 16, 2015
Parents need to step up and be more involved in injury prevention for today’s youth. Do you know that in many states, if your child is […]
January 22, 2015
Join Dr. Nicole Gangl and Alex Elahi for a thirty minute course designed to show runners how to incorporate strengthening exercises to stabilize their core and hips […]
January 22, 2015
Tight Hamstrings; Is Stretching Alone the Answer? Jonathan Dunbar DC, MS, CSCS At Yalich Clinic we evaluate and treat a wide variety of the population, from […]
October 14, 2014
How many studies need to come out and say “do not sit all day” (the most recent one is listed below)? How much money and research […]