News & Announcements

Yalich Clinic – News & Announcements

Yalich Clinic Doctors Team Up With Anne Arundel County To Help Educate

3 times / year the doctors of the Yalich Clinic team up with Anne Arundel County’s Department of  Rec and Parks to provide coaching education and awareness to thousands of recreational coaches.   Some of the workshop topics include Sports Injury Prevention, Concussion Awareness, and Preventing Heat Related Illness and Dehydration.

For more information, go to:

If you would like to host a workshop for your coaches, kids or parents, please call Dr. Sok at 410-766-4878. 

March 13, 2020

COVID-19 Update from the Yalich Clinic

Dear Yalich Clinic Patients and Friends, As we continue to learn more and more about the impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you should rest assured […]
February 4, 2020

Do You Have The Yalich Clinic App?

With the start of the new year, the Yalich Clinic of Glen Burnie has made your experience at our office easier than ever. As if January […]

Chiropractic Care

The important fact to remember is the quicker you address and take care of an injury, the quicker it will resolve. The longer you let things go, the longer the healing process.

Physical Therapy

Every injury is different and treatment plans should be individualized to meet each person's needs. Here at the clinic, we pride ourselves on just that.

New Patients

Your treatment will be individualized to you and your specific needs. It is then explained in detail, allowing you to be fully involved in your own recovery.


Have one of our doctors be your next speaker at your next league or team meeting. They can be designed for coaches,parents, or even involve the kids!