Let’s Go O’s
March 29, 2024
Let’s Go O’s
March 29, 2024

Route 40 Football Clinic

I had the honor of being one of 3 speakers today at the Route 40 Football Clinic hosted by the Jordan McNair Foundation and the Edgewood High School football staff.   This clinic gave us the opportunity to share the latest information on understanding heat related illnesses and the importance of having an emergency action plans (EAPs), to name a few, with coaches, parents and young football players of all ages. In fact, we did a couple of sessions throughout the day.  Marty McNair opened each session with his story and his mission. https://thejordanmcnairfoundation.org He had a couple of his COOL FIRST, TRANSPORT SECOND inflatable tubs that can be used in the event of a suspect heat stroke case, as well as information for each group to make them more aware and focus on prevention.

I was excited to share more detailed information on prevention strategies and support the importance of an emergency action plan at any level of competition.  I was followed by Wendy Hutchinson, the student athletic advisor for Edmondson High School.  But she is so much more.  She is a true advocate for student athletes, discussing strategies for supporting our young men and women, on and off the field.

Different messages for the different audiences, with the same common theme.  Improving player safety at any level of competition.

Not only did we address these topics, but Marty’s big take away was KOBY. “Keep On Believing in Yourself”.  Each of the attendees today that participated in the event and the volunteers each received a KOBY t-shirt.  

Along with the workshops we provided, the staff and volunteers from the Route 40 High School Football teams had drills and training for the different age groups.  And you know they could not run sessions like that without an athletic trainer.  It was great to see Matt Charvat, ATC from the University of Maryland Basketball team (and more) out there doing the real work.

For more information on the foundation and it’s work, go to the website above or check them out on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/TheJordanMcnairFoundation

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