Dr. Sok's Top 10 Tips for Physical Well-being

Yalich Clinic – Dr. Sok’s Top 10 Tips for Physical Well-being

Dr. Sok’s Top Ten Tips For Obtaining and Maintaining “Physical Well-being”


  1. Pick an activity that you will stick with (consider your daily schedule).
  2. Considering a health club? It has to be more than just looking good!
  3. “Weather” or not to exercise!
  4. Is plan “B” ready to go?
  5. Make the time, take the time, and be consistent!
  6. Purchasing exercise equipment may only help the economy…and not you!
  7. Don’t over do it!
  8. Always warm up then stretch before that activity.
  9. Like what you do.
  10. Don’t make excuses; Make the time!!!

Chiropractic Care

The important fact to remember is the quicker you address and take care of an injury, the quicker it will resolve. The longer you let things go, the longer the healing process.

Physical Therapy

Every injury is different and treatment plans should be individualized to meet each person's needs. Here at the clinic, we pride ourselves on just that.

New Patients

Your treatment will be individualized to you and your specific needs. It is then explained in detail, allowing you to be fully involved in your own recovery.


Have one of our doctors be your next speaker at your next league or team meeting. They can be designed for coaches,parents, or even involve the kids!